This 1-day Altium Designer® training can be seen as a very concise version of the Altium Designer® Essentials training. All essential steps from the design process are discussed, but in a minimal way. If detailed explanation is needed, the Altium Designer® Essentials training is a much better choice.
The training is suitable for engineers who want to refresh their knowledge of Altium Designer.® For example, because they have not worked with Altium Designer® for some years, or that there is no knowledge of the new user interface, which has been used since Altium Designer 18®. This training is also suitable for engineers who want to evaluate Altium Designer®, but do not want to start from scratch.
Hieronder een overzicht van al onze trainingen
Trainingen waarin specifieke wensen van klanten worden meegenomen.
Training in which specific wishes of customers are taken into account.
Training, bei dem spezifische Kundenwünsche berücksichtigt werden.